• This project is funded by the European Union and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Security Director Assistant of Personnel Affairs launched the First Initiative of the Community Safety Committee in Taiz

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The Community Safety Committee in Aden organizes a training for 75 young people on Rapid and Initial Interventions during Fires

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Reducing the Risks of Disasters and Fires Initiative – Community Safety Committee in Aden

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Training Manual - Strengthening Community Safety in Yemen

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Establishment of the Community Safety Committees

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Featured Activity

Workshop held to prepare the training manual for community safety in Yemen

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The Berghof Foundation in collaboration with a number of local and international partners are working towards strengthening community safety in Yemen

The conflict in Yemen has caused many people to lose their sense of safety and security as the general situation has created serious challenges for the provision of basic security services. The Community Safety Parnerships project – implemented by the Berghof Foundation in partnership with the Political Development Forum Yemen (PDF), Yemen Polling Center (YPC Yemen), Yemen Policy Center (YPC Germany), Association for Inclusive Peace, and Geneva Call and funded by the European Union and the Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs– contributes to sustainable peace in Yemen by strengthening community safety and inclusive infrastructures for peace.

Improved Inclusive Community Safety

The project creates communication channels between law enforcement agencies and citizens at the local level with the aim of identifying and assessing local needs, jointly working to improve the safety of communities and contributing to the improvement of services provided in cooperation with them.

Yemeni-led Inclusive Discussion

We are working on initiating and supporting a Yemeni-led inclusive discussion on community safety principles, frameworks and concepts. The project provides space to discuss and assess local needs and learn how to respond to these in the most appropriate manner.

Strengthening Capacity

We aim to strengthen the capacities of key local security and justice providers (particularly the police, judiciary and prosecution services) and selected community representatives to know about, assess and plan for different options of inclusive community safety approaches.


As part of our work, we are coordinating strategically to ensure that the Yemeni authorities, the European Union and the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY), as well as other potential partners, are informed about and encouraged to follow up and strengthen further inclusive local security approaches.

The Berghof Foundation is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation that supports efforts to prevent political and social violence, and to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation.

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The Political Development Forum (PDF-Yemen) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental institution for intellectual and cultural activities, which was established for the principle Towards Safe and Sustainable Political Development.

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Featured News, Activities & Resources

Educational Films on Community Safety in Yemen

Since April 2018, Berghof has been working to enhance community safety in five Yemeni cities: Aden, Al-Mukalla, Dhamar, Sana’a, and Taiz. For people to learn more about...

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The Community Safety Committee in Aden organizes a training for 75 young people on Rapid and Initial Interventions during Fires

The community safety committee in Aden implemented an awareness training session in Crater District, on rapid and initial interventions during fires. This training was...

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The Security Director Assistant of Personnel Affairs launched the First Initiative of the Community Safety Committee in Taiz

The community safety committee in Taiz officially launched their first initiative. The initiative offered some basic renovation at Al-Judairi Police station. The launch was attended...

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Would you like to support the strengthening of community safety in Yemen?

The Berghof Foundation and PDF Yemen invite you to learn more about the project and to share related resources.